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You get two CocoSnap fidget clickers: a washboard model marked with a “W”, and a toggle-switch model marked with an “S”. They feel and sound like the real things, as if grating rocks on washboards, and flipping toggle switches. 

Why, they are for nothing. They are fidgets. But you may also imitate coconut horse trotting from a Monty Python and the Holy Grail, without the trouble of halving and gutting coconut shells. They sound like finger snaps, but can rapid-fire like no human can. Thus “CocoSnap”. Good for pranks.

For tiny clickers you can hide in your palms, they make excessively loud noises. You can however, mute clicks somewhat by covering your palm. You can alter its sound by holding a clicker in different ways, or by pressing a clicker against bottles, desktops, doors, cabinets or window panes. Make insect clicks, woodpecker knocks, or beatbox noises. 

You’ve got a portable drum kit in your palm. Rap and dance with your clickers while listening to your favorite music. There is no limit to the types of noises you can make. Use clickers together with their cousin fratchets (fidget ratchets) for even better results.

We coined “fidget clickers”, and we hold pending patents on the “fidget walker” concept. These clickers are 3D-printed. They are for age 14 and up. Do not disassemble these clickers as they contain small magnets. Swallowed magnets can stick together across intestines causing serious issues.

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Anatomy of a CocoSnap

CocoSnap is a type of fidget walker – you walk a pet marble with a control peg. Parts of a CocoSnap: #1 Enclosure #2 Control Peg #3 Snap-fit Locking Notch #4 Pet Marble #5 Walker Surface #6 Sound Chamber

The Switch Model

Push the pet marble over a bump towards either end to make a long vibrating stop. As the marble comes to a quivering stop, it makes its annoyance known to you with a shudder. Drag the marble across the middle lump for a toggle switch-like experience.

The Washboard Model

One sweep of the control peg from one end to the other makes 4 solid and sonorous clicks of equal quality and loudness. Your fingers feel the pet marble being reluctantly dragged across four ridges and five grooves, for a great washboard grating experience.

Diverse Grips

Move the peg with your thumb, index finger, or a combination of fingers. Hold the enclosure in any orientation. You may also keep the peg still, and drag the enclosure up and down instead.

Boosting n Muting Clicks

Mute clicks by covering CocoSnap with your other hand. Boost already loud clicks further by cupping both hands as a sound chamber.

Expanded Sound Chambers

Attach CocoSnap to sonorous surfaces to turn these into expanded sound chambers. Try wood coasters, elastic container lids, window panes, or bathroom doors. See what new music you can make by attaching a CocoSnap to your guitar.

By Yourself at Home

Click your anxiety away as you cram before an exam.

On a Road Trip with Family

Snap to your favorite music on your road trip.

Cheering Your Team On

Show your support by snapping to Queen’s “We Will Rock You”.

The Name

Don’t get why it’s called a CocoSnap? Look up Coconut Horse. Now imagine the ease with which you can trot single-handedly with a clicker.

Pending Patent

Kool Fingers holds pending patent applications on Fidget Walker principles driving CocoSnap clickers and sibling fidgets such as Fratchets.

3D-Print Them Yourself

We make 3D models in STL and 3MF available to all. You can 3d-print these fidget clickers, their sibling fratchets, as well as variant fidgets for personal use.

Showcase by Magnetic Games

Head over to our Amazon Store Page.

Or 3d-print them yourself: Printing Clickers.